5 Reasons you should not send your dog to a kennel - Doglando (2024)

There may come a time when you will have to be away from home for several days. When this happens, you will need someone to care for your dog. Traditional boarding kennels are not always the best choice because your dog may not get enough attention.

While it may seem like a logical idea, boarding your dog in a traditional kennel while you’re away may do more harm than good. Dogs left in the kennel often go through undue anxiety, physical issues, and behavioral changes associated with feelings of abandonment.

Here are 5 reasons traditional kennels may not be the best solution for your dog:

1. Dogs experience stress the same way humans do.

Stress in dogs can manifest itself in many ways. Being left in an unfamiliar place with strangers and other dogs is very stressful for your dog. They don’t know why they are there or what will happen to them. He or she may become withdrawn or depressed, refuse to eat, or self-mutilate as a coping mechanism to help them deal with the situation.

What does a stressed dog look like? Dogs can get scared and become stressed over any number of things. Some triggers include a car backfiring, fireworks, thunder, car honking, and other loud noises. They may also get stressed around other dogs if they are used to being alone. These things can show up as stress clues and you should know how to identify them. What might this look like? Worried, obsessive licking or cleaning themselves, tail tucked between the legs, pacing, panting, or avoidance behaviors.

2. Your dog may not get enough opportunities to empty their bladder.

Dogs can get used to doing their business on a schedule but it takes time for them to get used to it. Inconsistency in potty breaks can result in accidents or the dog holding their urine out of fear of being reprimanded for soiling their sleeping area. Adult dogs need to empty their bladder 3 to 5 times per day and puppies need to go more frequently. Holding urine for extended periods of time has been linked to urinary tract infections and kidney stones.

3. Your dog can be exposed to illnesses from other dogs.

Although your dog may be perfectly healthy, he or she will be in contact with dogs who may not be. Kennels are notorious places for contagious diseases like kennel cough, canine distemper, rabies, parvovirus, and canine influenza. Diseases are spread by direct contact and by sharing food bowls and other contaminated items. Kennel cough, or canine infectious tracheobronchitis, is a respiratory infection that is highly contagious and spread by touching noses, airborne droplets (coughing), and sharing food dishes.

4. Dogs can become traumatized after boarding.

Boarding kennels are staffed with a bunch of different people, and not all are pet lovers. Dogs are naturally fearful of new situations and it takes time to build trust with caregivers and others. When a dog is in a kennel, he or she is in a place unfamiliar to them with people they don’t know and other dogs who are barking and whining which causes them to be fearful. They don’t know why the other dogs are barking or why they are not at home with you.

Trauma can manifest as behavioral changes, aggression, crouching, ears pinned back to the head, and heavy panting. If you notice these behaviors after bringing your dog home take them to the vet for an assessment.

5. Your dog may be in their kennel several hours per day.

Unless there is a doggie version of the Hilton, most likely your dog will be in their kennel for some parts of the day. The length of time will depend on the facility and its staffing schedules. It may be necessary for your dog to be confined for several hours a day until more staff arrives to care for the dogs.

What questions should you ask the boarding kennel staff?

The first question you should ask is how many caregivers are there on a daily basis, and are there enough staff to supervise playtimes to minimize bullying and fighting between dogs. Someone should be watching the dogs at all times while in the play area.

You should also ask how long your dog will be left in the kennel and how often he or she will get the chance to exercise or relieve themselves.

Will the caregiver spend time playing with the dogs or giving them individual attention?

Alternatives to Boarding Kennels

What can you do if you don’t like the idea of your dog being left in the kennel? Here are some alternative ideas:

  1. Hire a house or pet sitter
  2. Let them stay with a friend or family member
  3. Hire a dog walker to come 2x per day

If you do not like the idea of sending your dog to a kennel there are other alternatives available. Is there someone the dog knows that would be willing to let them stay with them until you return?

Another alternative would be to hire a pet sitter. This could be for all day or just a few hours per day. If you have a doggie door and automatic feeder your dog would just need companionship for an hour or so a day. You would feel better about your dog being at home where they are comfortable and that a caring person is looking after them and giving them attention.

A kennel can be a scary place for some dogs and is known to cause signs of stress. It is preferable to use alternatives whenever possible, but if you must use a kennel be sure to ask questions and make an unannounced visit to see how the dogs are being treated.

The Doglando Experience

Of course, we offer overnight stays as a service, but we do it differently. To protect our dogs’ total wellness, we only offer overnight stays for the dogs enrolled in our Enrichment program, because we know your dog will be safe, happy, and feel at home to be with us.

Every dog’s mental, emotional, physical, nutritional, and intuitive health is of utmost importance to us, and we will remain steadfast in our commitment to provide for every dog as though they are our own.

At Doglando our primary goal is to help dog owners become more aware of the needs of their companion canines.

5 Reasons you should not send your dog to a kennel - Doglando (2024)


5 Reasons you should not send your dog to a kennel - Doglando? ›

Kennels can have downsides. These include: stress and anxiety from staying in unfamiliar surroundings. being around other animals that may transmit disease.

Is staying at kennels bad for dogs? ›

Kennels can have downsides. These include: stress and anxiety from staying in unfamiliar surroundings. being around other animals that may transmit disease.

Is it cruel to put a dog in kennels? ›

Kennels are an option for your dog when you're away, but this will depend on whether your dog is comfortable with being in a kennel environment. Many dogs find kennels isolating and if your dog hates being left alone, leaving them in a home environment where they can enjoy the company of people will be best for them.

Is kennel good or bad? ›

Like human daycare, sickness quickly spreads through kennels. Kennel cough, distemper, and intestinal parasites are something you should safeguard your pet against if you are considering boarding. For many dogs, kennels are high-stress environments and may cause separation anxiety behaviors.

Are kennels traumatic for dogs? ›

Dog boarding can be challenging for your dog, but a dog is rarely traumatized after spending time at a dog boarding kennel. It's important to understand the realities of boarding your dog: 1. Your dog will be left in an unfamiliar environment with many other dogs.

Why are kennels stressful for dogs? ›

Kennel stress is often caused by the unfamiliar aspects of a kennel environment. They are in a kennel not running around your living room. They are often far more confined, it's a noisy place with other dogs around and they are away from the normal routine and smells of home.

Why do dogs not like kennels? ›

One common cause is dog crate anxiety, which can stem from past negative experiences or a lack of positive associations with the crate.

Why do dogs destroy their kennels? ›

Barrier Frustrations. Some dogs become anxious, and therefore destructive, when confined in small areas such as crates (flight kennels) or small rooms (bathroom, laundry room). This may be associated with separation anxiety.

Are dogs sad when they go to a kennel? ›

Whilst studies do suggest that dogs miss their owners whilst in kennels, this shouldn't put you off. Your dog is bound to miss you whilst you're away from them, however, this doesn't mean that they're depressed. Choosing the right kennels will ensure that your pooch is kept busy throughout the day.

Will my dog remember me after 10 years? ›

So as long as a dog can smell, has healthy eyes, and can hear, they will most likely remember you no matter how long you've been out of their life. If you are wondering if your dog misses you while you're gone they don't have any knowledge of time but can experience separation anxiety.

What is the downside of kennels? ›

While it may seem like a logical idea, boarding your dog in a traditional kennel while you're away may do more harm than good. Dogs left in the kennel often go through undue anxiety, physical issues, and behavioral changes associated with feelings of abandonment.

What are the pros and cons of boarding a dog? ›

Dog boarding offers clear benefits like supervision and socialization, but also potential downsides like stress and health risks. Knowing your own dog's personality and needs is key in deciding if boarding is the right choice while you're away.

Do dogs prefer crates or kennels? ›

Many dogs love their crates.It resembles a den they would seek out/build if they didn't have cozy houses to live in. It's probably the only place in the house that is truly theirs, where they can be undisturbed and feel safe.

What is kennel anxiety? ›

It can manifest in a number of ways including aggression, fear, anxiety, shaking, whining, or other noticeable changes in behavior.” Putting your dog into a boarding kennel for just one night can be stressful to them, with longer stays creating even more anxiety.

Why do dogs get sick at kennels? ›

Although a dog's respiratory system is designed to protect them against infections, the stressful nature of boarding combined with the crowded environment means that canines are less able to fight it effectively. Dogs who are also particularly young, elderly, or suffering from existing illness are also more vulnerable.

Why is my dog being sick after being in kennels? ›

Keep a watchful eye for any signs of stress-related illness such as vomiting or mild diarrhea. This is typically stress related and is common during and after boarding, but if your pet is not back to normal within 24 to 48 hours contact us or consult with your veterinarian.

Is it better to leave a dog at home or boarding? ›

While boarding is often used, at-home pet care has emerged as a better solution since it allows your beloved to remain in the familiar environment she is most used to and in a place where she feels comfortable and is safest.

Should dogs be in kennels all day? ›

A dog who's crated all day and night doesn't get enough exercise or human interaction and can become depressed or anxious. You may have to change your schedule, hire a pet sitter or take your dog to a daycare facility to reduce the amount of time they spend in the crate each day.

Do dogs miss you when in kennels? ›

Whilst this is a natural concern if you'll be gone for weeks, it's not something you need to fear. The truth is that your dog will almost always remember you, however long you've been apart. Dogs don't forget their beloved owners, even after months or even years apart.

Do dogs like to sleep in kennels? ›

It provides your dog with a safe place to rest during the day and sleep at night. A kennel both helps your dog feel secure and also protects him from cold weather and rain. In this blog post, we'll give pet advice on how to get your dog introduced to and using his new kennel outside in no time.

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Name: Dean Jakubowski Ret

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Introduction: My name is Dean Jakubowski Ret, I am a enthusiastic, friendly, homely, handsome, zealous, brainy, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.