Competition in Biology | Definition, Types & Examples | (2024)

Competition can occur between the different populations of an ecosystem. But, it can also exist among individuals in a population. Therefore, there are two types of competition, interspecific and intraspecific.

Interspecific Competition

Interspecific competition is the one that occurs between different species that use the same resource or a group of resources. For example, species can compete for the same type of prey, the same place to drink water, or a habitat. This type of competition is important because it can determine the abundance and distribution of a species and the lack of population and possible disappearance of another. This competition also determines how species behave when another one jeopardizes their access to a resource.

Some interspecific competition examples are:

  • In the African Savanna, there are cats that hunt the same prey species. For example, the lion and the cheetah both hunt zebras, antelopes, gazelles, and wildebeest. To compete for this resource, lions have adapted to hunt in packs and through teamwork. Cheetahs use speed to succeed in catching prey.
  • In cities, there are many bird species like the sparrow, the starling, and the pigeon. Many of them compete for food that humans leave behind in the form of leftovers or crumbs. For those birds, it is more accessible to get this type of food, than to collect fruits and seeds or hunt.

In the African Savanna, interspecific competition between predators occurs

Competition in Biology | Definition, Types & Examples | (1)

Intraspecific Competition

Intraspecific competition is the one that occurs between animals of the same species. For example, competition occurs between lions, sharks, and even humans. These elements have similar needs. They need a habitat where they can grow and shelter, they need to eat and drink, and they need to reproduce. Therefore, both the young and old seek to survive by competing with others. These individuals can compete for the same prey, dominate territory, and have control over the females of the group. They can also compete through mating rituals to have more chances of reproducing.

In intraspecific competition, individuals do not compete for all resources, only for the most limited. For example, all members of a grizzly bear population need oxygen for respiration. However, they do not compete for it since it is an abundant element. But, for example, they can compete for a territory where a river runs and where there are many salmon available. Also, intraspecific competition affects the growth and survival of individuals. When there is too much competition, the quantity of food available is limited, so an individual eats less food than an individual of the same species that doesn't have competition. When there is less competition, individuals can live longer. The traits and characteristics of the individual that survives and reproduces will pass to the next generation, and those of the weakest elements are lost.

Some intraspecific competition examples are:

  • Two pines in a forest grow near each other. One receives more exposure to sunlight, so it grows larger and shades the other. The other pine does not receive much sunlight, so its growth is limited.
  • Gorillas of the same group compete for food and mates to reproduce. In many gorilla groups, there is a leader, and many younger individuals try to compete with him for that role.

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Competition in Biology | Definition, Types & Examples | (2024)
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