Does Walmart Make Keys In 2023 and What Does it Cost? (2024)

With nearly 10,500 stores across 26 countries, Walmart is one of the biggest and most well-known brands in the World.

But does Walmart make keys?

Most Walmart locations provide Minute Key kiosks. These self-serving kiosks let you duplicate keys in minutes without the help of employees. These key machines can cut keys for most home locks, padlocks, and even some vehicles. The average house key costs between $2 to $5 per key, while vehicle keys can cost upward of $25.

To learn more about Walmart's key-cutting services and how to use them, keep reading!

Does Walmart Copy House Keys: Minute Key

Walmart offers self-service key copying through a 3rd party kiosk called MinuteKey, which acts similar to a vending machine. The cost for most house keys falls between $2 and $5 per key, and it takes about 2 minutes to duplicate each key.

MinuteKey kiosks have a user-friendly touch screen and use a laser imaging system and robotic technology to copy keys quickly and easily. Insert your key into the machine, follow the step-by-step instructions, and with the push of a button, you'll have a new key.

MinuteKey can clone the most common key brands, such as:

  • Schlage
  • Kwikset
  • Weiser
  • Baldwin
  • Titan
  • Masterlock (padlock keys)

That being said, not every location and MinuteKey booth offers to copy all types of keys. But most at least offer basic Schlage and Kwikset keys, which are the most common type of house locks used today.

They also can’t copy patent keys for high-security locks, such as Medico, Mul-T-Lock, or Schlage Primus.

MinuteKey booths can be found at the front entrance of most Walmart locations, but not all. Check here to see if your nearby Walmart store has a MinuteKey booth.

To use this service, you need to bring the original key you want to copy, as well as a credit or debit card. Minutekey does not accept cash.

I’ve copied dozens of keys over the years using these types of booths and have never had an issue with them working. I’ve had a few that operated a little rough at first, but after a few weeks, they tend to work smoothly.

If your Walmart doesn't have a minute key station, you can also try Home Depot's key-cutting services or check out my guide for tons of other places to copy keys near you.

What if you Don't Have the Original Key?

If you don’t have your original key, Walmart won’t be able to help you out. To use their service, they’ll need the original key as a template to copy.

If you’ve lost your only key, there are several things that you can do.

  • Buy a new lock: When you’ve lost your only key, the best option is always to replace the lock. If you decide to go this route, check out my guide on selecting the best deadbolts and door locks.
  • Call a locksmith: A locksmith can come to your home and make you a new key by decoding your lock. This is the most expensive route and could cost between $85 - $120.
  • Bring your lock to a locksmith: If you don’t want to pay the callout fee, you can take your lock off the door and bring it to a locksmith, which will cost about $50.

Walmart MinuteKey Copy Designs

Does Walmart Make Keys In 2023 and What Does it Cost? (1)

Walmart MinuteKey booths offer a ton of unique designs that are always changing. You can get a key with your favorite sports team, one of a cute little kitten, or the good ole American flag.

You’ll likely find something that shows the world a little of your personality.

Does Walmart Copy Vehicle Keys

Some Walmart locations can copy many vehicle keys, including transponder keys. The price can range between $23 and $330 depending on the make, model, and year of your vehicle. Transponder keys can take up to 7 minutes to program.

Cutting car keys can be a little complicated, depending on the type of key you are trying to copy. Let’s take a moment to break it down.

There are two types of car keys: regular metal mechanical keys and transponder keys.

Non-Transponder Keys

Non-transponder keys are regular metal keys without a chip. If your vehicle was manufactured before 1999, you likely have a traditional non-transponder key, and there is a good chance Walmart’s MinuteKey can make your copy.

Regular car keys can cost up to $10 to make and only take a few minutes.

Transponder Keys

If your car was manufactured in the last 20 years (2000 or later), it likely uses a transponder key.

A transponder key is a type of key that has an RFID chip embedded in the head. This chip is assigned a unique code that is read by an RFID receiver when the key is inserted into the ignition.

If the code matches, the car will start. If not, the car will not start. Transponder keys are typically identified by their thick black plastic casing (as seen in the image below).

Does Walmart Make Keys In 2023 and What Does it Cost? (2)

If your car uses a transponder key, things get a little more complicated. While the MinuteKey booths at Walmart can copy many transponder keys, there is no guarantee that they can copy yours on-site.

You’ll have to visit your local Walmart.

Some transponder keys also can’t be copied on-site. These keys can be scanned at Walmart but must be created elsewhere and shipped to you. These keys are typically delivered within 3-5 days.

If you don’t want to hassle with the uncertainty of whether or not Walmart can copy your vehicle key, you can also visit your local AutoZone. They can copy most vehicle keys, and it’s quite inexpensive.

Alternatively, you can also visit a locksmith who can copy your key quickly and cheaply.

I would avoid bringing your car key to a dealership to be copied as they tend to significantly overcharge for the service.

Walmart Key Fobs

Key Fobs or card keys are RFID devices that are commonly used to restrict access to places such as gyms, pools, apartments, or other types of amenities.

They work by communicating with a receiver near the door handle, which will then open the door when it gets the correct signal. These signals are often coded so that only the fob that was programmed to the receiver can open the door.

Some Walmarts can copy key fobs or card keys using a booth called InstaFob. This is a different service than key duplication booths, but it works the same. It costs between $25 to $30 to duplicate a keyfob using this service, which is significantly cheaper than getting a new fob from your service management—such as an apartment landlord.

You can see if your local Walmart has an InstaFob kiosk by entering your zip code here.

Does Walmart Copy Do Not Duplicate Keys

MinuteKey can't copy "Do Not Duplicate" or restricted keys. They want to prevent people from having unauthorized access to these types of places.

An example of this would be a key to a mailbox, filing cabinet, or safe deposit box at the bank.

If you have a key like this that needs to be copied, your only option is to go to the place of business and have them make you a copy. This is usually free or very cheap.

For example, the post office will make you a copy of your mailbox key for free. And most banks only charge a few dollars to make a copy of your safe deposit box key.

Walmart Key Copy Hours

You can get your key copied during regular Walmart store hours. Common store hours can be found in the table below.

Sunday6 AM - 11 PM
Monday6 AM - 11 PM
Tuesday6 AM - 11 PM
Wednesday6 AM - 11 PM
Thursday6 AM - 11 PM
Friday6 AM - 11 PM
Saturday6 AM - 11 PM

Some store hours may be location-based, in which case you can check your local hours here.


How Much Does It Cost to Copy a Key at Walmart

It costs between $2 to $5 dollars to make a copy of a house key. For car keys, it can cost up to $25, depending on the make and model of the vehicle. You can sometimes find MinuteKey copy coupons that will give you a free key.

How Much Time Does It Take To Get A Key Made At Walmart?

Walmart MinuteKey kiosks take about two minutes per key in addition to some time to set up the copy process and select your key design.

Does Walmart Guarantee That A Duplicate Key Will Work?

Walmart key copying booths give a 100% guarantee that your key copy will work.

Wrapping it Up

Duplicating a key at Walmart is a quick and easy process. The kiosks called MinuteKeys can make copies of most standard keys in about two minutes and for a low price.

If you have a key that is not compatible with the MinuteKey machines, don't worry! There are other options, such as visiting your local locksmith or going to an AutoZone.

And if you have a Do Not Duplicate key, you can still get it copied as long as you go to the place of business for which the key is.

With Walmart's guarantee, you can be sure that your new copy will work just like the original! Thanks for reading!

Does Walmart Make Keys In 2023 and What Does it Cost? (2024)
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Name: Wyatt Volkman LLD

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