Facial Steamers | Tap Water vs. Distilled Water (2024)

Facial Steamers | Tap Water vs. Distilled Water (1)

July 20, 2020 Garfield Commercial Enterprises Enterprises

A PARAGON facial steamer, like the PARAGON Spartan Facial Steamer, can last you over 10 years ... and even 20 years... if you maintain the the unit properly. Distilled water is a crucial step in proper facial steamer care. Although we never recommend using regular tap water in your steamer, doing so forces you to routinely clean the unit and can shorten its useful life. Once you understand what tap water can do to your steamer, you'll never use it again.

Water that is treated by a water filter or purifier is not the same as distilled water, and the main difference is in the filtration process. Distilled water is filtered by boiling water to separate the water molecules from contaminants and hard minerals. The pure water vapor is collected on one side of the water distiller and any other contaminants are left behind. A purification system uses various filters, reverse osmosis systems, and ion exchangers to block out impurities.

Facial Steamers | Tap Water vs. Distilled Water (2024)


Facial Steamers | Tap Water vs. Distilled Water? ›

Distilled water is a crucial step in proper facial steamer care. Although we never recommend using regular tap water in your steamer, doing so forces you to routinely clean the unit and can shorten its useful life. Once you understand what tap water can do to your steamer, you'll never use it again.

Should I use distilled water in my facial steamer? ›

But don't just fill up the basin with water from your sink — make sure to use distilled water in your facial steamer. There are two major reasons why you'd use purified, distilled water. Your tap water contains minerals, which you'll steam onto your face if you use it in this way.

Is distilled water better for steamers? ›

Overall, distilled water is one of the best types of water to use in clothing steamers. In fact, you'll find that many clothing steamers out there specifically call for the use of this form of water because it increases the steamer's durability and performance.

What happens if you use non distilled water in a steamer? ›

Due to its mineral content, tap water is not recommended as the go-to water source for your steam cleaner. Can it still be used? Of course! But over time, these minerals can build up in the areas behind each nozzle or attachment, and can even cause corrosion as a result of long-term use.

What kind of water should be used in a steamer? ›

Therefore, to prolong the lifespan of your iron or steamer it is recommended that you use distilled or demineralised water (50% demineralised water mixed with tap water can also be used).

Is boiled water the same as distilled water? ›

No, boiled water is not the same as distilled water. Boiling water kills bacteria and other organisms, but it doesn't remove all impurities such as minerals and salts. Distilled water, on the other hand, is water that has been boiled into steam and then cooled to return it to its liquid state.

Why is target out of distilled water? ›

Why is distilled water sold out? Distilled water is sold out because of a combination of record high demand, shortages and supply chain slow down.

Is there a difference between steamed distilled water and distilled water? ›

While all vapor distilled waters can be considered distilled water, not all distilled waters can be characterized as vapor distilled water. The difference lies in the purification process. Whereas regular distillation involves collecting condensed, boiled water, vapor distillation takes this process to the next level.

Can I use boiled water in my face steamer? ›

You should always use luke warm water to wash your face. Luke warm water is more effective cleanser than cold water, so make sure to stop boiling your water before it is steaming hot.

Why can't I use tap water in my steamer? ›

The more minerals the water contains, the “harder” it is. While hard water is boiling into pressurized steam, water will leave salt and mineral deposits inside the steam generator, pipes, and valves. The deposits build up over time, causing the steam generator to degrate, and the pipes and valves to clog.

How do you make distilled water for a steamer? ›

Turn on your stove's burner to medium heat and let the water boil. Then place the lid upside-down over the pot and fill the top with ice. This will create condensation as the steam from the boiling water hits the ice-cold lid. The condensation will begin to drip into the bowl, leaving you with distilled water.

Can I use bottled water in my face steamer? ›

bottled?) The best water to use is distilled water because tap water can contain heavy metals and other pollutants that can affect the integrity of the steam itself and shorten the life of your steamer.

Can I use bottled water to wash my face? ›

Very sensitive skin types should use room temperature thermal spa water to wash the face. Mildly sensitive types can use bottled water if skin is irritated. If your tap water is not very hard (not many minerals) then you can use tap water.

How long should you steam your face? ›

The regular recommended time is around 8-10minutes. Once you have steamed your face you are then ready for extraction of dirt and impurities. The recommended masks are those that will extract dirt most effectively or an extraction strip, if not then wash your face with warm water.

Can I use distilled water as a face mist? ›

Apparently this plays an important role in maintaining the moisture in your skin. If you're feeling a bit extra once you buy your mist bottle, ditch the tap water and invest in a jug of distilled water for your spritz routine.

What can I mix with water to steam my face? ›

In a pan boil ½ litre of water, then pour it into in a bowl and add 10 drops of lemon essential oil or lemon juice. Place a towel over your face, covering the bowl, and close your eyes. Wait for 10 minutes. In another bowl, mix 1 teaspoon of honey, lemon and sugar or salt.

What happens if I wash my face with distilled water? ›

Washing your face with distilled water is actually better for your skin. It contains less hard minerals and contaminants and therefore poses less risk of irritation, dryness, and breakouts. The easiest way to make the switch to filtered sink or shower water is by attaching a water filter.

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Name: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

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