How to remove a disabled Microsoft Entra user's device from Intune - Intune (2024)

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This article explains how to remove an orphaned device in Intune if its owner has been deleted from Microsoft Entra ID. In this scenario, the device's user principal name (UPN) in Intune is listed as None.


If you view an enrolled device in the Microsoft Intune admin center under Devices > All Devices, you see that the UPN is None.


This issue occurs when an administrator removes or deletes a user from Microsoft Entra ID, before deleting their enrolled device in Microsoft Intune. Once the user is removed from Microsoft Entra ID, the Intune information for that user becomes unavailable and the UPN for their enrolled device shows None.


A script is available that removes an orphaned, Intune-managed device if the owner was removed from Microsoft Entra ID. The script requires that you have the UPN of the active or deleted user. You can download the script (RemoveIntuneDevice.ps1) from the following Microsoft website:


  • The Microsoft Entra ID recycle bin must be enabled before you delete a device for a deleted user. Read more about Microsoft Entra Connect Sync: Enable AD recycle bin.

  • The logged-on user must have the appropriate Graph permissions set up in Intune before you run the script. For more information, see the Intune permission scopes section of How to use Microsoft Entra ID to access the Intune APIs in Microsoft Graph.

  • Install the Microsoft Graph PowerShell module by running Install-Module Microsoft.Graph or Install-Module Microsoft.Graph.Beta at an elevated PowerShell prompt.

  • You must have an Intune tenant that supports the Azure portal by having a production or trial license. Read more about Introduction to Microsoft Intune in the Azure portal.

  • Using the Microsoft Graph APIs to configure Intune controls and policies requires an Intune license.

  • You must have an account that has permissions to administer the Intune Service.

  • You must be using PowerShell 5.0 on Windows 10 x64 (PowerShell 4.0 is a minimum requirement for the scripts to function correctly.)


    For PowerShell 4.0, you must have the PowershellGet module to enable using the Install-Module functionality. A first-time use of these scripts requires a Global Administrator of the tenant to accept the permissions of the application.

  • If you receive an error message that states that scripts are disabled on your computer, you have to enable the script to run by running the Set-ExecutionPolicy cmdlet. For more information, see Set-ExecutionPolicy.

Run the script

After the prerequisites are installed or met, follow these steps to use the script:

  1. Download the RemoveIntuneDevice.ps1 script file to your local Windows computer.
  2. Run PowerShell at an elevated administrator account.
  3. Browse to the folder where you copied RemoveIntuneDevice.ps1, and then type: .\RemoveIntuneDevice.ps1.
  4. Follow the prompts for authentication and to get the UPN of the owner or previous owner's device.


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How to remove a disabled Microsoft Entra user's device from Intune - Intune (2024)
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