by William D'Angelo , posted on 22 February 2023 / 2,926 Views
Moon Studios CEO and Creative Director Thomas Mahler at the studio via Twitter stated the next game for the developer will be a "make-or-break moment" as the team is trying to "revolutionize the ARPG genre."
"Our next project is going to be a make-or-break moment for Moon," said Mahler.
"Either we manage to revolutionize the ARPG genre or we'll slowly fade away into the distance. While that should be scary, I LOVE the challenge! Diablo, PoE, etc.: We're coming for you, may the best one win!"
He added the games industry is driven by hits and if one game doesn't perform the team might not get another chance.
"If we make a great product, people buy it and we get to make more," he said. "If our product doesn't perform, chances are we're not gonna get another shot. So you can either play it safe or swing for the fences!"
— thomasmahler (@thomasmahler) February 22, 2023That's not really how the games industry works. It's a hit-driven business.
If we make a great product, people buy it and we get to make more. If our product doesn't perform, chances are we're not gonna get another shot.
So you can either play it safe or swing for the fences!
Moon Studios is best known for developing Ori and the Blind ForestandOri and the Will of the Wisps. The studios is currently working on its next project.
Mahler earlier this month describedOrias itsMario, while its next game will be the studio'sZelda.
"Oriwas ourMario, this is ourZelda," said Mahler at the time. "That was my thought when I first started prototyping our new project back in 2015. We then committed toWisps, which allowed us to give this project more time in the oven so that we'd then be able to turn it into a full-blown ARPG."
A life-long and avid gamer,William D'Angelowas first introduced to VGChartz in 2007. After years of supporting the site, he was brought on in 2010 as a junior analyst, working his way up to lead analyst in 2012 and taking over the hardware estimates in 2017. He has expanded his involvement in the gaming community by producing content on his ownYouTube channelandTwitch channel. You can contact the authoron Twitter@TrunksWD.
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super_etecoon (on 22 February 2023)
I can't see their project failing unless it's buggy on release (which doesn't seem likely) or there is a glut of ARPGs on the market when it arrives. Their pedigree at this point is almost unmatched and folks will be eagerly awaiting the game's reveal just as they have been eagerly awaiting Silksong. They're definitely in a good position to swing for the fences and I can't wait to see it.
shikamaru317 (on 22 February 2023)
Probably shouldn't have burned bridges with Xbox by attacking them Thomas. You would at least have an Xbox safety net to fall back on if this next game underperforms if you hadn't attacked Xbox. Supposedly Xbox also decided not to work with them again because of a toxic workplace environment created by Thomas.
method114 shikamaru317 (on 22 February 2023)
The first article I don't even feel was an attack on Xbox at all. He simply wants MS to do what they themselves say they want to do. It's unfortunate what happened with the toxic environment but most devs have said it is a better environment now.
Slownenberg (on 23 February 2023)
I mean that's a little dramatic - revolutionize a genre or they will fade into the distance. I guess he's just being dramatic to build hype for their next game. But it'll be interesting to see what the next game is like considering they are very talented and they are apparently trying to do something brand new with the ARPG genre.
mZuzek Slownenberg (on 23 February 2023)
Thomas Mahler has a history of being very dramatic.
anonymunchy (on 23 February 2023)
Very interested to see how they intend to revolutionize the ARPG genre. I played a ton of Diablo II back in the day, loved something like Dungeon Siege, played some Diablo III, a boat load of others and the last one I played for a considerable amount of time was Last Epoch and Lost Ark.
I don't really enjoy them anymore these days as the amount of loot spam is just nauseating. Everything just drops gear all the time, you need to set up these intricate loot filters to not be overwhelmed by all the crap that's going to drop and fill your screen. So much shit is auto-looted as well, if it's going to be picked up automatically, just put it in my bag, treat it like experience points or something. The value of a gear drops has become close to worthless in my eyes.
Both Ori games were great though, so I'll keep my eyes open for this.
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