The Meaning Behind The Song: Superstitious by Europe - Old Time Music (2024)

The Meaning Behind The Song: Superstitious by Europe

The song “Superstitious” by Europe is a classic rock anthem that was released in 1988 as part of their album “Out of This World.” It quickly became one of the band’s most successful singles, reaching the top 10 charts in several countries. The lyrics of the song explore the concept of superstition and its impact on human behavior and belief systems.

The song opens with a powerful guitar riff and Joey Tempest’s distinctive vocals, setting the tone for the rest of the track. The lyrics delve into the irrational fears and beliefs that people often develop, delving into the realm of superstition. It explores how these beliefs can shape our actions, affecting both our personal and professional lives. The chorus, with its catchy melody and impactful delivery, perfectly captures the essence of the song, making it instantly recognizable.

Frequently Asked Questions About “Superstitious” by Europe

1. Who wrote the song “Superstitious”?

The song “Superstitious” was written by Joey Tempest, the lead vocalist and main songwriter of Europe. He has often been praised for his ability to craft memorable melodies and thought-provoking lyrics.

2. What inspired the lyrics of “Superstitious”?

The lyrics of “Superstitious” were inspired by the human tendency to believe in superstitions and the impact it can have on our lives. Joey Tempest wanted to explore the irrational fears and behaviors that arise from these beliefs.

3. What is the main message of the song?

The main message of “Superstitious” is to shed light on the power that superstitions can hold over people. It encourages listeners to question and challenge these beliefs, highlighting the importance of rationality and critical thinking.

4. How did “Superstitious” perform on the charts?

“Superstitious” was a major success for Europe, reaching high positions on music charts around the world. It peaked at number 9 on the Billboard Hot 100 chart in the United States and achieved similar success in many other countries.

5. Is there a music video for “Superstitious”?

Yes, a music video was produced for “Superstitious.” The video features the band performing in various settings, including a warehouse and a forest, while incorporating elements of superstition and mysticism.

6. Are there any interesting facts about the making of the song?

During the recording of “Superstitious,” Europe experimented with different sounds and production techniques to create a unique and captivating track. The band incorporated a mix of traditional rock instruments and synthesizers to achieve a modern and distinctive sound.

7. Has “Superstitious” been covered by other artists?

Over the years, “Superstitious” has been covered by various artists, showcasing its enduring popularity. These covers range from rock bands to solo artists, each putting their own spin on the song while staying true to its essence.

8. Did “Superstitious” win any awards?

While “Superstitious” did not win any major awards, it received critical acclaim and contributed to Europe’s success as a rock band. The song continues to be celebrated by fans and music enthusiasts worldwide.

9. What impact did “Superstitious” have on Europe’s career?

“Superstitious” played a significant role in shaping Europe’s career. It helped establish them as a prominent rock band, expanding their fanbase and solidifying their position in the music industry. The song continues to be a staple of their live performances.

10. Are there any memorable live performances of “Superstitious”?

Europe has performed “Superstitious” countless times throughout their career, and there have been many memorable live performances of the song. One notable example is their performance at the 1988 Wembley Stadium concert, which showcased the band’s energy and stage presence.

These frequently asked questions shed light on the meaning of the song “Superstitious” by Europe. It explores the inspiration behind the lyrics, the song’s success, and its impact on the band’s career. “Superstitious” continues to captivate listeners and remains a timeless rock anthem.

The Meaning Behind The Song: Superstitious by Europe - Old Time Music (2024)


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The lyrics were more an afterthought and the music was the main event: "It was an emotional kinda thing that happened," said Wonder.” The 1972 song Superstition is about the things people believed in like breaking a mirror meaning 7 years of bad luck and believing in things they don't really understand.

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It is considered a seminal track from what has become known as Wonder's 'classic period'. 'Superstition' was originally written by Wonder for guitarist Jeff Beck, who appears 5th on Rolling Stone's list of the 100 greatest guitarists of all time.

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/supəˈstɪʃɪs/ IPA guide. Superstitious describes a belief in chance or magic. If you're superstitious, you may avoid walking under ladders, spilling salt, or passing black cats — all because you think they will bring you bad luck.

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"Superstition" is a funk and R&B ballad from Stevie Wonder. The song hit #1 on Billboard Hot 100 in January 1973. It also hit #1 on the U.S. soul singles chart.

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The concept of superstition began as the Greek word deisidaimonia (δεισιδαιμνοία), which in the 4th century bce had the positive meaning 'scrupulous in religious matters'; but a century later it had acquired a more negative meaning, inching it closer to our modern understanding of superstition.

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A superstition is any belief or practice considered by non-practitioners to be irrational or supernatural, attributed to fate or magic, perceived supernatural influence, or fear of that which is unknown.

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Superstitious beliefs are common, and many psychologists consider them to be expressions of inner tensions and anxieties. Some even consider them to indicate mental disorders, although there is no reliable clinical correlation between superstitious beliefs and mental illness.

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No matter how confident or prepared you are for an event -- whether it's a football game, a wedding, or a presentation -- things can still happen beyond your control. "Superstitions provide people with the sense that they've done one more thing to try to ensure the outcome they are looking for."

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The people with external locus of control who feel they're low in their ability to control events are more likely to be superstitious in an effort to gain more control. So there are some personality traits that have shown to be associated with it.

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People who are superstitious believe in things that are not real or possible, for example magic. Jean was extremely superstitious and believed the color green brought bad luck. Synonyms: prone to superstition, naive, gullible More Synonyms of superstitious.

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The story of the lyrics of the song is first person narration of someone discovering a large wooden box on a beach. However, the contents of the box are never revealed and it is the never specifically referred to in the lyrics as “The Thing”.

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Wanting more control or certainty is the driving force behind most superstitions. We tend to look for some kind of a rule, or an explanation for why things happen. "Sometimes the creation of a false certainty is better than no certainty at all, and that is what much of the research suggests," says Vyse.

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By judging these beliefs in light of the public revelation God has provided his Church. According to the Catechism, superstition occurs when one attributes “the efficacy of prayers or of sacramental signs to their mere external performance, apart from the interior dispositions that they demand” (CCC 2111).

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