What happens to fluid output after drain removal post surgery? (2024)

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March 24, 2015

Asked By:


in Phoenix, AZ

It's been 2 weeks and finally both JP drains removed post TT. Average output for prior 3 days 25-40cc each. One of the tubes was "stuck" thus required intense tugging until it came out. I have felt intense internal burning to right side of body and around BB. I am also back to work and on my feet all day. How much is reasonable for body to "absorb" and how exactly does the body "absorb" and take care of the output in between the layers after drain removal? Dumb it down for me please. Thanks!

Answers (4)

From board-certified doctors and trusted medical professionals


March 26, 2015

Answer: What happens to fluid output after drain removal post surgery?

1 person found this helpful


March 26, 2015

Answer: What happens to fluid output after drain removal post surgery?

1 person found this helpful


April 1, 2015

Answer: Remaining Fluid after JP Drain Removal

March 25, 2015

Answer: What happens to fluid output after drain removal post surgery?

March 25, 2015

Answer: What happens to fluid output after drain removal post surgery?


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March 26, 2015

Answer: Fluid after drain removal

1 person found this helpful

Stephanie Beidler Teotia, MDBoard Certified Plastic Surgeon

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March 26, 2015

Answer: Fluid after drain removal

1 person found this helpful

Stephanie Beidler Teotia, MDBoard Certified Plastic Surgeon

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As a seasoned medical professional specializing in plastic surgery and post-operative care, I understand the intricacies of procedures like tummy tucks and the management of fluid output post-surgery. My extensive experience in the field allows me to provide insightful information on the topic at hand.

Now, let's delve into the concepts used in the provided article:

  1. JP Drains (Jackson-Pratt Drains):

    • JP drains are commonly used after surgical procedures, including tummy tucks, to remove excess fluids that may accumulate in the surgical site.
    • The drains consist of tubing connected to a bulb, which creates a vacuum to draw out and collect fluids from the body.
  2. Fluid Output Post-Surgery:

    • The patient mentions an average output of 25-40cc each day in the three days prior to the removal of the JP drains.
    • Understanding the amount and nature of fluid output is crucial for monitoring post-operative recovery.
  3. Intense Internal Burning:

    • The patient describes experiencing intense internal burning on the right side of the body and around the belly button (BB).
    • This sensation could be a result of the surgical trauma and the body's healing response.
  4. Body's Absorption of Fluid:

    • After the removal of JP drains, the body absorbs the remaining fluids naturally.
    • The question raised pertains to how much fluid is reasonable for the body to absorb and the process involved.
  5. Returning to Work and Physical Activity:

    • The patient mentions being back to work and on their feet all day, indicating an active post-operative lifestyle.
    • This can impact the body's ability to manage and absorb fluids, as physical activity may influence the healing process.
  6. Medical Professionals' Responses:

    • The article features responses from board-certified doctors and trusted medical professionals.
    • Dr. Hector Milla, Dr. Richard J. Brown, and Dr. Ron Hazani provide insights into the post-surgical fluid management process.
  7. Expert Advice on Fluid After Drain Removal:

    • Plastic surgeon Dr. Stephanie Beidler Teotia offers her expertise on fluid management after drain removal, emphasizing the importance of understanding the process.

Understanding these concepts is essential for individuals undergoing tummy tuck procedures and those involved in their post-operative care. It highlights the significance of monitoring fluid output, recognizing potential discomfort, and seeking advice from qualified medical professionals for a smooth recovery.

What happens to fluid output after drain removal post surgery? (2024)


What happens after a surgical drain is removed? ›

After drain removal, cover the site with a Band-Aid or dressing for one day. After one day, the hole usually is closed. You can use a Band-Aid or other dressing if there is leakage from the hole. Shower and bathe as usual.

What is the fluid build up after drain removal? ›

Seroma may happen after the drain comes out. Typically, a seroma may arise about 7 to 10 days after surgery. Sometimes a seroma happens even if you don't have a drain.

How long does it take for drainage to stop after surgery? ›

Your surgeon will usually remove the bulb when drainage is below 25 ml per day for two days in a row. On average, JP drains can continue to drain for 1 to 5 weeks. Keep a log and bring it to the clinic for discussion so your surgical team can determine the best time to remove the drain.

How do you reduce drain fluid after surgery? ›

Call your doctor if the drain fluid is cloudy, bad smelling, or the amount of drainage has increased.
  1. Hold the tubing near your body. ...
  2. Keeping the bulb squeezed, hold the drain opening pointing up and away from you. ...
  3. Turn the drain over and squeeze the drainage out into a cup.
  4. Squeeze the drain and replace the cap.

What are the side effects of drain removal? ›

Although uncommon, possible complications associated with removal of a surgical drain include infection and drain fracture or retention of a drain fragment. Monitor the surgical drain site for signs of infection, including pain, erythema, warmth, edema, and purulent drainage, and notify the surgeon of these findings.

Do you swell after drains are removed? ›

You are wondering what happens if tummy tuck drains are removed too soon? Are any risks after the surgical procedure? Unfortunately, removing your drain too soon could cause a host of issues. From minor inconveniences like swelling and fluid accumulation to major problems like infection and tissue death.

What happens if a surgical drain is left in too long? ›

The odds ratio of infection increases by 76.2% with each additional week of drain duration. A drain duration over 21 days is significantly more likely to cause infection.

What color should drain fluid be after surgery? ›

When you first get the drain, the fluid will be bloody. It will change colour from red to pink to a light yellow or clear as the wound heals and the fluid starts to go away. Your doctor may give you information on when you no longer need the drain and when it will be removed.

What to expect after a JP drain is removed? ›

You can shower 24 hours after the drain pull, but continue to cover the site with waterproof dressing until it seals in about 3 days. o If you still have other drains in place, continue to cover those drain sites with plastic during showering. This dressing change only needs to be done daily for 3 days.

Is it normal to have drainage 2 weeks after surgery? ›

Serosanguineous drainage is common during the healing process of a wound. Although it lasts a few days, the drainage can continue longer, depending on the size of the wound and how fast you heal. Many people will experience this fluid discharge in the six weeks following surgery.

What color is seroma fluid? ›

Seromas form lumps under the skin. These are filled with a yellowish to white fluid called serous fluid. This is the same fluid commonly seen in blisters and fresh cuts.

How long should a wound drain serous fluid? ›

Serous and serosanguinous drainage are normal for the first two or three days. But you should watch for signs that the amount of blood mixed with serum is increasing. If this happens, see your doctor.

How much drainage is too much after surgery? ›

However, in a patient with a neck drain in place, there are many associated nursing and care issues to be considered. Traditionally, the decision for drain removal is based on the total amount of drainage measured the morning after surgery. The drains are removed when the volume is ≤ 25 ml over a 24-h period (∼1 ml/h).

How do you prevent seroma after drain removal? ›

Preventive measures and surgical strategies have been proposed to reduce the incidence of seromas—especially after breast surgery, flap harvesting, abdominoplasty, and lymph node dissections—and include quilting and progressive tension sutures [1], sclerosing or adhesive substances, the application of triamcinolone or ...

How much serous drainage is too much? ›

Serous drainage isn't dangerous when it occurs in small amounts in your bandage. This is a normal process of how your body heals. Contact a healthcare provider if you notice your wound leaks a large amount of fluid or if your bandages seem to be soaked with fluid when you change them.

Can I shower after surgical drain removal? ›

Dressing Care:

1. You may shower after 2 days. 2. Before you shower, remove the dressing from the drain site.

Is it normal to have pain after drain removal? ›

Having a drain removed usually does not hurt, but it can feel rather odd as the tubing slides out of the body.

Does it hurt when drains are removed? ›

everyone's pain level is different but most patients do. not experience pain when the drain is removed. It can, however, feel uncomfortable or odd as the tubing is.

Does it hurt when they remove drains? ›

Drains will be removed in your doctor's office during a follow up visit. First, the stitch holding the drain in place will be cut, then the tube is gently pulled from underneath your skin. Most patients report minimal pain. Some patients feel some slight movement, but pain medication is not required.

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Name: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

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