How to update Smart Launcher app? | Administrative panel Applications Smart Launcher apps (2024)

When the new app version is released,you will get a notification about it.

There will be an offer to Updatean app near the already installed version.

Please notice that you can set theautoupdate.

1. Open tab Applications.
2. Choose Smart Launcher apps.
3. Press Update button.

How to update Smart Launcher app? | Administrative panel Applications Smart Launcher apps (1)

After an update, the last app version will switch on automatically.

Please notice that app auto-update can cause the conflict with already working apps. You will see the message informing you about it. In this case, the update application is not running.

To refresh the list of available for installation and update apps to force, click Updates→Check updates.

How to update Smart Launcher app? | Administrative panel Applications Smart Launcher apps (2)

To update all available apps which is ready for update to the latest version, click Update→Update all.

How to update Smart Launcher app? | Administrative panel Applications Smart Launcher apps (3)

How to update Smart Launcher app? | Administrative panel Applications Smart Launcher apps (4)

Cindy is an expert on the Ministra TV platform and the author of this article.

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How to update Smart Launcher app? |                                                     Administrative panel                            Applications                            Smart Launcher apps (2024)
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Name: Eusebia Nader

Birthday: 1994-11-11

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